Types of Ducts Used in HVAC Systems: An Expert's Guide

When it comes to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, ducts are an essential component. Ducts are the channels that distribute hot or cold air throughout a building, and without them, the rest of the system would be useless. There are three main types of ducts used in HVAC systems: flexible air ducts, rigid sheet metal ducts, and ducts lined with fiberglass. Let's take a closer look at each type.

Flexible Air Ducts

Flexible air ducts are made of a metal wire coil covered with a layer of flexible plastic.

Thermal insulation is usually made of glass wool, but other materials such as polyethylene or metallized PET can also be used. These ducts usually look like cubes and have no elbows or gaps, making them ideal for tight spaces. However, they should not be vented as they can become a home for mold and bacteria.

Rigid Sheet Metal Ducts

Rigid sheet metal ducts are made of galvanized steel or aluminum and have an internal or external fiberglass coating. These ducts are preferred in commercial buildings and offices since they have the ability to dampen the sound of the air conditioner.

The thick, solid walls make them very durable and their smooth surface is generally easy to clean. The main disadvantage is that fiberglass can deteriorate over time and release fibers into the air, which can cause health problems after prolonged exposure.

Ducts Lined with Fiberglass

Ducts lined with fiberglass are similar to sheet metal ducts but have an internal or external fiberglass coating. They are non-porous in nature and therefore restrict the growth of mold in air ducts. The main disadvantage is that cleaning them can damage the coating and release more fiberglass particles into the air. When it comes to selecting the right type of duct for your HVAC system, it's important to consider your needs and budget.

Flexible air ducts are ideal for tight spaces while rigid sheet metal ducts are preferred in commercial buildings. Ducts lined with fiberglass are non-porous and therefore restrict the growth of mold in air ducts, but they should not be vented as they can become a home for mold and bacteria. As an expert in HVAC systems, I recommend consulting with a professional before making any decisions about which type of duct is best for your system. A professional will be able to assess your needs and provide you with the best advice on which type of duct will work best for your particular situation.

Dona Milich
Dona Milich

General burrito lover. Amateur pop culture fan. Avid pop culture junkie. Proud zombie aficionado. Unapologetic beer maven. Friendly social mediaholic.